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Resolutions – Environmental

Resolution 1180 of 2006
By which Resolutions 1565 and 1289 of December 27, 2004 and September 7, 2005, respectively, are partially modified.

Resolution 601 of 2006
By which article 43 of Law 99 of 1993 on fees for water use is regulated and other provisions are adopted.

Resolution 627 of 2006
By which the national noise emission and environmental noise standard is established.

Resolution 2202 of 2005
By which the Single National Request Forms for Environmental Procedures are adopted.

Resolution 532 of 2005
By which requirements, terms, conditions and obligations are established for controlled open burning in rural areas in agricultural and mining activities.

Resolution 1079 of 2004
By which phytosanitary procedures applied to wooden packaging used in international trade are regulated.

Resolution 1488 of 2003
By which the requirements, conditions and maximum permissible emission limits are established, under which the final disposal of used and new tires with quality deviation must be carried out, in clinker production kilns of cement plants.

Resolution 1164 of 2002
By which the Manual of Procedures for the comprehensive management of hospital and similar waste is adopted.

Resolution 486 of 2002
By which the form and requirements are established to present to the Ministry of the Environment the requests for qualification of exclusion of sales tax referred to in articles 424-5 numeral 4o and 428 literal f of the Tax Statute, as well as the procedure internal for the corresponding procedure.”

Resolution 68 of 1999
By which Resolution No. 024 of 1995 issued by the Energy and Gas Regulation Commission is partially modified.

Resolution 623 of 1998
By which Resolution 898 of 1995 is partially modified, which regulates the environmental quality criteria of liquid and solid fuels used in furnaces and boilers for commercial and industrial use and in internal combustion engines.

Resolution 619 of 1997
By which the factors based on which an atmospheric emission permit is required for fixed sources are partially established.

Resolution 909 of 1996
By which Article 56 of Decree-Law 2811 of 1974 is partially regulated and Resolution 1541 of 1978 is modified.

Resolution 1351 of 1995
Through which the declaration called Emissions Status Report (IE-1) is adopted.

Resolution 898 of 1995
By which the environmental quality criteria of liquid and solid fuels used in furnaces and boilers for commercial and industrial use and in internal combustion engines of motor vehicles are regulated.

Resolution 898 of 1995
By which Decree 1600 of 1994 is added and other provisions are dictated. The President of the Republic of Colombia, in use of his powers
constitutional and legal, especially those conferred in numeral 11 of article 189 of the Political Constitution and in article 4 of Law 99 of 1993.

Resolution 541 of 1994
Through which the loading, unloading, transportation, storage and final disposal of debris, materials, elements, concrete and loose aggregates, construction, demolition and organic layer, soil and excavation subsoil are regulated.


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