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We continue to deliver for the country: Accountability Day 2015.



Yesterday, the Public Accountability Hearing led by the General Management and the Steering Group was successfully held.

The event was attended by around 90 people, including suppliers, clients and citizens in general, interested in knowing how the company was managed in the last year.

The space for dialogue made it possible to publicize the results of the company's management in 2014 and what the projections are for the current year and future times.

In this same sense, the attending public had the opportunity to ask questions about various topics that were answered by Cr. (RA) Juan Manuel Padilla Cepeda, general manager and the management group.

As an additional element this year, the Accountability provided the possibility for citizens not attending the event to ask their questions and/or comments to the Twitter account and these were answered in real time, a highly relevant additive that facilitated the proximity to citizens.

Starting in mid-May, the interested public will be able to find the minutes and official conclusions about the day on our website:www.indumil.gov.co and official social networks.

For more information follow us on Twitter at the account @indumilmilitar


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